We hope you find the following links helpful
Organizations that provide general information about Parkinson's Disease and conduct research to advance the understanding of Parkinson's to develop ways to diagnose, treat and cure the disease. Also, organizations that provide direct support to people with Parkinson's and their caregivers, as well as treatment and therapy to address symptoms.
The Michigan Parkinson Foundation strives to educate and provide direct patient support to: those affected by Parkinson’s disease and related movement disorders; their loved ones and care partners; the physicians and other health professionals who diagnose and treat individuals with the disease.
The Michael J. Fox Foundation is dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson's disease through an aggressively funded research agenda and to ensuring the development of improved therapies for those living with Parkinson's today.
The Parkinson’s Foundation makes life better for people with Parkinson’s disease by improving care and advancing research toward a cure. In everything we do, we build on the energy, experience and passion of our global Parkinson’s community.
The Davis Phinney Foundation helps people with Parkinson's live well today. Since 2004, the Davis Phinney Foundation has brought to life some of the most important programs, research, content, and events for those affected by Parkinson’s. Our community includes people living with Parkinson’s, Parkinson’s care partners, families and friends of those living with Parkinson’s, physicians, and Parkinson’s allied health professionals.
The Parkinson Voice Project helps people with Parkinson's and related neurological disorders regain and retain their speech and swallowing. We collaborate with other compassionate speech-language pathologists to make SPEAK-OUT! Therapy accessible worldwide.